Old Denton Road - Traffic Switch

On Tuesday, June 23rd 2015, there will be a traffic switch for Old Denton Road from Heritage Trace Pkwy to Golden Triangle Blvd.  The northbound traffic will be moved to the new pavement.  Also, the roundabout will be opened.  All motorists are asked to observe traffic signage and construction flaggers directing them to the appropriate travel lanes during the transition.  Residents on the east side Old Denton Road should note that the northbound lanes will be opened and all vehicular traffic must stop before entering the roadway.  Motorist are advised to expect delays during the traffic switch and seek alternate routes.  Electronic message boards will be placed on both ends of the project this week advising motorists of the scheduled traffic switch.

The project will  continue towards completion after the traffic switch is completed.  Single intermittent lane closures will be required on  Old Denton between Heritage Trace Pkwy and Golden Triangle Blvd for various work activities, but one lane will remain open at all times for the northbound and southbound traffic.

Attached is information regarding the operation of roundabouts.  Additional information can be found at the following website:  http://fortworthtexas.gov/roundabouts/howto.