Scheduled Weekly Events

Here are your scheduled weekly events for the week of November 14th – November 20th!

Ladies Game Night – Friday, November 18th, 7PM
Get to know other women in Crawford Farms over a fun night of games! Please bring a snack to share, $5 to contribute to the prize pot, and don’t forget to BYOB! Please RSVP for more information.

Donation and Blood Drive – Saturday, November 19th, 8:30-10AM
Give with a grateful heart this season! We will be at the park from 8:30 – 10AM collecting donations benefitting the Community Storehouse in Keller. The Carter BloodCare Bus will be on site, and all donors will receive a free t-shirt.

List of most needed items for the Community Storehouse:
Canned mixed vegetables, tuna, canned soups, canned fruit, canned beans, jelly, copy paper.

Important information from CarterBlood Care:
All donors should get a good meal and bring their picture ID. High school students may want to donate as this will count towards their green cord. There will be extra forms for 16 & 17 year olds that need to be completed by their parent or guardian. Each donor will be tested for Zika.

Link to sign up for Blood Drive: