Scheduled Weekly Events

Here are your scheduled events for the week of May 16th – May 22nd

Board Meeting – Thursday, May 19th, 1240 Keller Parkway, Suite 200 Keller, TX 76248

As a homeowner in Crawford Farms, you are hereby given notice of the Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 19th 2016, to be held at 1240 Keller Parkway, Ste. 200, Keller, TX 76248. The Open Session will be held from 7:00 - 8:00 PM and Owners are welcome to attend and observe. The Executive Session will be held from 6:00 - 7:00 PM, and is a closed meeting of the Board of Directors. Minutes for both sessions will be published for homeowner review.

The meeting is also available via a conference bridge. Please see information below to join us.

For dialing-in only:

1.Dial one of the numbers listed below

2. When prompted, enter the Meeting Access Code: 2917060#

 * Caller-Paid number: 312-777-1450

 * Toll-Free Number (in USA): 888-331-6331

 * Blackberry (Caller-Paid): 3127771450x2917060#

 * iPhone (Caller-Paid): 3127771450,,2917060#

* Windows Phone (Caller-Paid): tel:3127771450,,2917060#

Sweets with Mom/Ice Cream Social has been postponed and rescheduled for Saturday, May 28th at the pool from 1-2PM. In addition to the Ice Cream Social, we will be collecting items to go towards the Crawford Farms ‘Support the Troops’ care package! To see a list of what troops request most please visit

Swim Lessons at Crawford Farms
Aquamobile will be providing group swim lessons at the Crawford Farms pool starting on June 6th. For more information please visit