Fall temperatures are creeping in and out at the moment and I love seeing more people out and around the neighborhood. Along with that comes events that won’t melt you once you step outside.
Let’s talk Halloween first! Be sure to sign up for the annual Trunk or Treat which will feature vendor booths this year. They’ll be handing out more treats for the kiddos along side the wonderfully decorated trunks.
Safety Fest is first in October and will feature the local fire and police departments along with other vendors. It’s full of great information for our kids and our homes.
Adult Game Night is back with a murderous trivia theme. Come lounge by the pool and test your knowledge. Make sure you phone is charged!!
Recess in the Park will feature a spooookkkyyy treat and craft for the kiddos and should be awesome as always.
Check out the Calendar page for full details on these events!!