Bulk Waste Pick Up Information

As a result of the recent spring storms throughout Fort Worth, the City understands some residents may have larger than normal bulk and brush piles. For your next bulk collection, the City will allow yard debris piles larger than 10 cubic yards. This is extended only for debris as a result of the storms – no appliances, mattresses or furniture, etc.

Follow these simple guidelines will help the contractors stay on schedule for collection:

  • Place bulk items on the curb by 7 a.m. Monday of your assigned week. You may place items on the curb as early as 6 p.m. the Friday before your assigned week.
  • Tree limbs that are greater than four inches in diameter or longer than eight feet are considered bulk.
  • Yard waste collections include small tree limbs, shrubs and bagged yard debris. These items should be smaller than four inches in diameter and less than eight feet long.
  • Yard waste is collected weekly, the same day as your garbage and recycling.
  • If you’re putting out other bulk items, such as furniture they need to be kept separate from the yard debris to allow for proper and timely collection.

For those of you who do not receive City of Fort Worth trash and bulk waste pick-up, please disregard this message.  For questions, please call: 817-392-1234.

Source: http://www.fortworthtexas.gov/citynews/def...